Helloo there,

My name is Omar MOKHFI but everyone calls me Omar cause that's my name XD, I am an Algerian Web Developer and I explored all fields before settling on Front-end.

I love working with Startups and innovative bussiness, to experience new challenges and make an impact. Collaborating with UX designers, content creators to contribute in what makes the world say "Thank God it exists" is definetly my comfort zone.

Personal picture

About me

Nice and Friendly
I make dad jokes 😌
Driven by impact

#Html #Css #Js
#ReactJS #Angular #NextJS
#Bootstrap #Tailwind #Gsap #ThreeJS
#MongoDB #Sequelize #ExpressJS #Git


Valley Solutions

Full Stack Developer

6 Months

Brenco E&C

Virtual Reality Developer

3 Months

Brenco E&C

Full Stack Developer

3 Months

WeOne-IT Consulting

Front End Developer

1.5 Years

If you don't make an impact, why bother

If you don't make an impact, why bother
